Spring in Wadi Mistall - hiking from Wakan to Hadash

We have visited Wadi Mistall before but February is a very special month which made the repetition worthwhile: apricot trees blossom this month! Many of the villages have beautiful gardens but the most famous is Wukan (or Wakan) village - it is like a fairytale village perched on top of a hill with the dramatic mountains providing the most amazing backdrop. There is a steep dirt road leading up to the village and for that section a 4WD is essential. It is a popular tourist destination with a small guesthouse and café - it was kind of hard-to-find parking! But the crowds are mainly around the café and lower sections of the village, so it is not difficult to escape from them. 

The village is also the starting point of few well marked hiking paths: we opted for the one leading up to the mountain peak above Wakan (w25). There are stairs leading through the gardens of the village and once the stairs run out there is a nice viewpoint - from here on the real trail starts. Up until here it is a nice and easy stroll, smaller kids can enjoy it as well. The plan was to hike as high as we feel like - nothing serious or too long since Finn was still recovering from the little water bottle incident. Roughly after 4 km, around 1km before the peak Alma and Finn said they were good to turn around - Finn, seeing my long face offered that I could keep going on, walk to Hadash where they would pick me up. I liked the idea, so they turned around and I kept going. Little did I know that I had around 8km in front of me and a grueling descent on the other side in front of me! But it was worth it - the scenery was stunning and once passed Wakan Pass, I was completely alone. Overall, the Wakan-Hadash hike is around 13km, and it took me over 7 hours to finish.

Here are some tips if you want to accomplish this hike (w25 and w24a)
- wear boots: this was the first time I wished I had my boots and not only my trekking shoes on!
- not for kids: while I am sure Alma would have made it, I am not sure I would had survived seeing her climbing some of the exposed parts. the first 4-5km from Wakan is fine for kids but the section close to the peak is too exposed at parts in my opinion.
- if I did it again, I would start in Hadash to get that steep scrambling part out of the way while still fresh. And it is so much easier to just stroll down the stairs in Wakan after 6-7 hours of climbing!

It is a truly epic hike with unbeatable views!

Read about our Wadi Mistal adventures HERE.

Hadas - Wakan Hike (w25 and w24a)

Best time to visit: March - April when the apricot trees are blossoming
Pools: no
Marked: yes (w25, w24a)
Location for parking: Hadas village 23.1268, 57.7555
Location for trail head: same as parking
Location for end of the hike: Wakan village 23.1434, 57.7353
Location for camping: 23.2740, 57.7537
Difficulty: difficult
Total time: 7 hours
Distance: 13 km
Elevation difference: 800 m 
Car: 4WD
Kids: The complete hike is not for toddlers. Exploring the villages - yes.
Summer: no

Arriving in Wadi Mistall - scenic road with scenic views!

We camped at our usual spot - great views and you will be alone. Check the map for location!

It was little windy and Alma built this great fire pit - it was super effective!

Wakan is beautiful from all directions - and the apricot blossoms truly created spring vibes!

The trail is well marked and quite easy during the first 4km

There is a slightly more exposed part but it is not too bad

The most exposed part has a bridge built over it. I would say that the path is kids-friendly till this point

Wakan pass at 2300m - this is the peak. The section just before (after the bridge) is steep, with vertical rocks to climb and exposed - would not recommend for kids.

After the pass the trail levels and there is a chance to catch breath. The descend to Hadash is hard work - there are marks, but there is not much trail and there are loose rocks and slippery parts. 

Hadash is beautiful as ever with its unique painted houses.


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