Lovers' cave

The usual story: I saw an Instagram photo and started to search for the location. In this case I quickly figured that it was close to Bimmah Sinkhole. Looking at the photo, we tried to locate the exact location but the first time we did not find the cave. There was no cave there, just a high rock shore, flat. We did find a hole on the ground but looked too crazy to climb it. The second time though we decided to give it a go and climbed that hole. And it was certainly not for nothing - the view is just amazing. It is not a cave per se, more like a cavity that will probably eventually collapse. It goes without saying: if you go there be cautious! 

Since the cave is close to Bimmah Sinkhole, it makes sense to combine the two visits possibly together with Wadi Shab.

Location: 22.8539, 59.2379
Summer: yes
Kids: not toddler friendly
Car: 2WD is ok

This is where you go down - so look out for a hole in the ground around the coordinates above.

It is also pretty at sunset!


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