Wadi Mansah - bouldering challenge in Muscat

It was a surprising hike. I have been zooming into google maps, looking for marked trails around Muscat and found one called R&E Wadi. Pictures looked nice, I put it on the to go list. A few days later one of the ladies from the hiking group posted, asking if anyone wanted to join her for a hike to Wadi Mansah. I looked it up and it turned out it was the same hike I found - it just shows how difficult it is to navigate here, with everything having multiple names. 

We went, we hiked, and we loved it. Most of the locals left the village when the government started to develop the area, but the wadi still looks stunning and untouched. Full of huge - and think of the size of a smaller house - boulders, we did have to push/pull each other, which was fun. We only walked in a bit more than an hour and we hiked less than 3km, but it was like a though full body workout! The wadi continues on for many kms and supposedly there are water pools as well, but we did not have time to explore further!

Location for parking: 23.461941, 58.264255
Direction: from here, just follow the wadi bed. It starts with a nice falaj, follow until you can. From there on, find your way through the boulders, it is not marked!
Time: in total we walked around 2.5 hours and 2.5 km - it is a slow process to navigate the boulders. The wadi continues way beyond.
Car: salon car is OK
Kids: the beginning is OK for toddlers but further in it is not recommended for younger kids.
Wikiloc: here

Starts easy enough, with a pretty falaj

But the boulders quickly started to grow :)

There are few petroglyphs in the area - if you are up for hunting !


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