Wadi in the city - Wadi Al Khoud

Wadi Al Khoud is a wadi within a city - strictly speaking Al Khoud village is not part of Muscat, but it is so close, it is almost. A few minutes drive and you can forget about the noise, the cars and everything else a big city is associated with. It is a wide wadi bed with pools and green vegetation -  a perfect place for picnic or a stroll. There are a marked trails leading from the car park up to the ridge of the hills running along the wadi - we opted for the water pools this time. Apparently it is possible to trek all the way to Fanja from here! A really nice option for a quick hike even after work/school. With easy access the usual issue is there though - around the parking area there is trash even though there are two big trash bins provided - do not follow suit, pls!

Parking coordinates: 23.5587,58.1104


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